Prememe artwork: COMING SOON

Prememe by @Wintermute

Andreas Preis: Meme Artist 95

Andreas Preis is a Berlin-based artist, illustrator, and designer known for his versatile and vibrant artistic style. Born in 1984, he studied communications design in Nuremberg, Germany. Preis has worked with various high-profile clients, including Adidas, Adobe, Coca-Cola, DC Comics, ESPN, Ford, Nike, and Samsung.

His artwork often encompasses intricate illustrations, hand-drawn typography, and bold color schemes. Andreas Preis is particularly skilled in using different techniques and materials, ranging from traditional pen and paper to digital art and murals. His illustrations often feature animals, geometric shapes, and patterns, resulting in a unique and striking visual language.

In addition to illustration, Preis has experience in graphic design, mural painting, and live art performances. His art has been exhibited in galleries and festivals across Europe and the United States. As a versatile and innovative artist, Andreas Preis continues to push the boundaries of his craft, exploring new techniques and forms of expression.

With Andreas Preis's kaleidoscope of colors and intricate illustrations, The Memes project is set to leap off the canvas and into a wildly imaginative realm of artistic expression!