Prememe artwork: COMING SOON

Prememe by @Wintermute

Zhuk: Meme Artist 218

Zhuk is an artist who fluidly integrates the flexibility and collectability of digital art with the meticulous strokes of tassel painting, a technique that involves creating a textured effect similar to brushwork in traditional painting. Her sensual artwork stands out for the distinctive way it channels the intensity of classical motifs through a modern digital medium, reframing age-old narratives with a fresh and bright femme visual vocabulary. By careful transfer of each piece to digital format, the tactile sensation of tassel strokes are preserved. Zhuk crafts a bridge between the artisan's hand and the digital medium, challenging viewers to find new beauty in the timeless tales of history and mythology.

Now we'll get to see Zhuk's powerful perspective in Card 218 on Apr 12th, 2024!