Prememe artwork: COMING SOON

Prememe by @Wintermute

@Hoizonart: Meme Artist 217

Hoizon has a talent for harnessing the vast potential of cryptoart to create pieces that blend traditional artistic elements with modern crypto cyberscapes. In many artworks, we see a stark contrast not only in thematic elements but also in the approach to digital painting itself. Creations often boast glitch movement and a vivid, almost psychedelic exploration of form and color. Hoizon utilizes digital brushes to mimic the energetic strokes of physical paint, creating a sense of movement and vitality. The fluorescent colors and the intricate details give it an almost tactile quality. There's a freedom in the way Hoizon allows the digital medium to surpass the boundaries of the conventional, playing with proportions, perspectives, and colors in a way that marks the work as distinct Hoizon.

We can't wait to see what Hoizon expores in Card 217 for The Memes community, dropping on Apr 10th, 2024!