Prememe artwork: COMING SOON

Prememe by @Wintermute

VSTRVL: Meme Artist 207

VSTRVL's artistic aesthetic is a compelling fusion of digital expressionism and web3-native glitch art. The artwork often reflects a post-internet sensibility, where the digital and physical realms collide in vibrant and unexpected ways. Utilizing a palette that is at once jarring and yet balanced, VSTRVL's pieces are imbued with flickering colors bringing movement and immediacy. Elements of pixelation and retro video game graphics are juxtaposed with stark, bold lines and organic shapes, creating a visual language that speaks to the chaos and clutter of online life. These visual choices serve not just as a stylistic hallmark, but as a narrative device, crafting stories that resonate with the experiences of a society steeped in technology and virtual interaction.

The recurring themes in VSTRVL's work often revolve around the complexities of life. Figures and symbols emerge from chaotic backdrops, signifying the struggle between identity and anonymity in an age where the self is often commodified and surveilled. Titles like "I Was In A Dark Place When I Met You" and "The Noise That Keeps Me Calm" suggest a deeply personal connection to the artwork, inviting viewers to connect with such realities in their own lives. This introspective quality is a testament to VSTRVL's ability to harness the digital medium as a tool for exploring the psychological landscapes that define the human condition vis-a-vis endless screens.

At the heart of VSTRVL's message is a poignant observation of the world—a world rife with contradictions and battles both internal and external. The artworks are digital hells are just around the corner, which is at once oppressive and liberating. Through the interplay of shadow and light, noise and silence, VSTRVL captures the essence of what it means to be alive in a time of overwhelming stimuli, offering a mirror to the viewer's own engagement with the digital age.

What digital reflections screen-based hells await us in Card 207? We get to see on Mar 4th, 2024.