Prememe artwork: COMING SOON

Prememe by @Wintermute

cadmonkey: Meme Artist 200

Cadmonkey creates in 3D, where the confluence of art and technology paints a narrative of self-exploration. Operating deeply in web3, his artistic signature is etched in the complex language of algorithms and parametric design, expressed through the medium of NFTs. His series "Self, a Journey" captures the essence of an introspective creator voyage, articulated through the intricate dance of geometry and motion. Each piece in the series—selfDiscovery, selfGrowth, and selfFulfillment—symbolizes the stages of an existential progression, meticulously crafted to show emergent the thematic core of identity exploration. As a digital maestro, Cadmonkey sculpts time and algorithms, transcending beyond mere visual appeal to evoke a sense of personal evolution and introspection.

Cadmonkey's methodology is a testament to his name—a blend of precision and playful creativity. Delving into the artistic process of Cadmonkey is akin to observing a multi-dimensional socerer at work. His canvas is the virtual expanse of 3D modeling environments like Rhino and Grasshopper3D, where he conjures forms from a nexus of mathematics and artistry. He adapts and scripts algorithms to serve his artistic intent, harnessing feature-aligned quad remeshing, image-based differential growth, and space-filling polyhedra to translate complex concepts into tangible visual experiences. The resulting artworks are not static images but dynamic entities; animated unfurling images, evolving visualizations, and interactive 3D models that invite viewers to engage with the art on multiple levels, from aesthetic appreciation to profound contemplation.

The vision of Cadmonkey is futuristic yet rooted in the current digital zeitgeist, exemplifying a connection between artist, process, and viewer. His work eschews willful form-making for a deeper integration of concept, aesthetics, and digital technique, allowing the generative nature of the algorithms to guide the final form. Cadmonkey stands at the vanguard of digital artistry, crafting Vision Pro-ready experiences that encapsulate the fluidity of digital identity and the boundless potential of the metaverse, heralding a new renaissance where art is not only seen but experienced and lived in full 3 dimensions.

Prepare for the multidimensional "elegant" experience of Card 200 on Feb 16th, 2024!