Prememe artwork: COMING SOON

Prememe by @Wintermute

Dylan Wade: Meme Artist 169

Dylan Wade is a digital artist whose creative spark is ignited by nostalgia and the emotional depth of personal memories. His artistic journey began with personal videos in his teens, capturing life's fleeting moments, a practice that has profoundly influenced his current digital artwork. With a background in video, his work is marked by a keen sense of lighting and perspective, aimed at creating immersive scenes that resonate with the viewers' own experiences.

Transitioning into digital art at 26, Wade embraced a minimalistic style after years of videography, meticulously learning the tools of Adobe Illustrator to bring his visions to life. His pieces often start with deeply personal inspirations, like the "Winter Wonderland," based on his childhood street. This personal touch brings a unique authenticity to his art, inviting collectors to connect with the universal emotions encapsulated in his work.

For new collectors, Dylan Wade's artwork serves as a profound exploration of nostalgia through digital mediums. Each piece is a careful composition of simplified forms and a deliberate simplified color palette. Wade's art, with its roots in personal history and everyday moments, transcends the ordinary, inviting viewers to find a piece of their own story within his suggestive landscapes. His work is not just a visual experience; it's a reflective journey that resonates with the collective memory and stirs a deep-seated recognition in us all.

Will Card 169 awaken nostalgia within you? We find out on Nov 22th, 2023!