Prememe artwork: COMING SOON

Prememe by @Wintermute

PhotonTide: Meme Artist 153

Photon Tide, known by the pseudonym Pho, is a mixed-media artist and musician whose work encompasses a broad spectrum of creative ventures, including graphic and motion design, writing, music, and directing. His digital art is recognized for its psychedelic, immersive, and experimental style, which draws connoisseurs into a realm of trance and self-exploration.

The thematic core of Photon Tide's work revolves around self-exploration, the chaotic nature of existence, and the relentless pursuit of authentic self-expression. Through pieces like "seconds after death, I left my body" and "the illusion of control," Pho delves into introspective and existential themes. His work on "chaos theory" reflects an interest in the aesthetics of chaos and the beauty that can emerge from disorder, a theme that resonates through other pieces which explore the impact of seemingly insignificant choices on the larger tapestry of life.

Photon Tide's artistic journey reflects a continuous endeavor towards self-actualization, as seen in "time to be who you were meant to be." This piece, born at a pivotal moment in his life, symbolizes the triumph of self-expression over conformity, encouraging individuals to embrace their true selves. His work not only serves as a mirror to his own life experiences but also as a beacon encouraging others on their path of self-discovery. Through his visionary digital creations, Photon Tide provides a vivid exploration of life's intricacies, making his work a rich domain for those seeking a deeper understanding of self and the chaotic yet beautiful nature of existence.

What will we discover about ourselves in Card 153 by Pho? Embrace the chaos on Oct 18th, 2023!