Prememe artwork: COMING SOON

Prememe by @Wintermute

Rupture: Meme Artist 147

Morris Vogel, known in the art world as Rupture, is a master of weaving intricate narratives that delve deep into the human experience and the complexities of our entangled intersubjective realities. His works consistently explore themes of struggle, loss, and the ethereal, juxtaposed against the overwhelming nature of contemporary media and the illusions it often presents. He touches upon the haunting realms of imagination and the challenges of discerning reality in a world saturated with distractions.

Vogel's artistry doesn't shy away from addressing the darker facets of society. He delves into the tactics of manipulation, control, and the pervasive nature of fear, as seen in "COME AND SEE." These themes resonate with his broader artistic vision, where he often portrays a world grappling with its own destructive tendencies and the dilemmas of the digital age. His pieces challenge viewers to confront their innermost fears, question societal norms, and seek truth amidst chaos.

In essence, Rupture's art is a reflection of contemporary challenges, offering a unique lens through which to view the world. His ability to encapsulate profound messages in his art makes him a beacon for collectors seeking depth, introspection, and a fresh perspective on the world around them.

In a new twist for Meme Card 147, Rupture will bring on-chain an acrylic-on-canvas piece he created earlier this year. Explore the artist's links to get a glimpse of it... and mint it in all it's digital glory on Sept 20th, 2023!