Prememe artwork: COMING SOON

Prememe by @Wintermute

Teexels: Meme Artist 145

Much more than a mere manager of memetic mints, the 6529 community knows teexels as a skilled photographer and insightful artist in his own right.

Teexels.eth (aka @teexels) is a dedicated street and landscape photographer based in Greece, who has established himself as a visionary digital artist. His photographs invites collectors into a world where the ethereal beauty of nature and the intricacies of human ingenuity converge. Through his most recent collection, he offers a bird's-eye view of the Grecian skies, captured with the fresh perspective of aerial photography. These images unveil a realm where ancient landscapes stretch out to meet endless horizons, crafting a vivid tapestry of natural wonders contrasted with humanity's "inevitable" impact. This thematic approach is exemplified in his works like "Rusted Remnants": a train yard threatened by an imposing storm, showcasing the coexistence of nature alongside industrial growth and decay.

Teexels's artistic vision is a testament to his profound appreciation for both the natural world and human progress. Whether it's the mesmerizing hues of a sunset, urban reflections, or an twisted web of roadways, his works serve as a reminder of the beauty that surrounds us, often in the most unexpected places. For collectors, each piece is not just an artwork but a journey—a journey that celebrates the beauty found in nature's grandeur and mankind's achievements.

Prepare to behold the memetic masterpiece of one of our own, on Sept 15th, 2023!