Prememe artwork: COMING SOON

Prememe by @Wintermute

Diogo Sampaio: Meme Artist 140

Hailing from Porto, Portugal, Diogo Sampaio stands out as a distinguished matte painter and concept artist. His approach to art is refreshingly unique; rather than capturing mere moments like a photographic snap, Sampaio captures ideas. With the aid of his camera and a vivid imagination, he crafts surreal scenes that, while containing elements of the impossible, are rendered with such realism that they challenge the viewer's perception. His work is a testament to his problem-solving prowess, always seeking innovative ways to depict the unimaginable.

Throughout his career, Sampaio has collaborated with clients from all corners of the globe, working on both personal and commissioned projects. His expertise is not limited to just creating art; he also possesses a keen understanding of his clients' visions, ensuring that each project is a genuine reflection of their ideas. This collaborative spirit has led him to work with renowned entities, including Christiano Ronaldo, and the Colosseum of Rome.

Beyond his primary roles, Diogo Sampaio's skills span a wide range, from environment design and matte painting to photo-manipulation and surrealism. He is proficient in tools like Photoshop and Blender, further showcasing his versatility in the digital art realm. Whether it's designing posters for iconic bands like "The Rolling Stones" and "Imagine Dragons" or crafting cover artworks for magazines, Sampaio's artistry consistently shines through, making him a sought-after talent in the world of digital art.

It's a little surreal that we are already at Card 140... to be revealed on Sept 4th, 2023!