Prememe artwork: COMING SOON

Prememe by @Wintermute

Eleni Tomadaki: Meme Artist 138

Eleni Tomadaki, a visionary artist bopping between London and Athens, has carved a niche for herself with her unique exploration of the intricate relationships between individuals and the multifaceted "Other." This exploration, deeply rooted in her artistic vision, delves into the complexities of identity, resistance, and the dichotomy of belonging. Through non-linear storytelling narratives and a distorted use of language, Eleni challenges conventional symbols and perceptions, offering a fresh perspective on the human experience.

Her standout project, "Eleni is bored again," is a testament to her innovative approach. Initiated in 2015 as an auto-fictitious blend of illustrations and texts, it evolved into a collection of 299 NFTs, raising existential and psychosocial questions about everyday life and self-reflection. This collection engages viewers in a process of unlearning, revisiting the world through a child's psyche, and confronting the often-neglected innocence of adulthood, which undergoes various transformations capturing the multifaceted nature of human emotions.

Eleni's mission transcends traditional artistic boundaries. Whether through her NFT collections, which challenge concepts of value and decision-making, or her physical artworks that question our relationship with the surrounding world, Eleni's art is a journey of engagement and reflection. Her work, showcased in prestigious venues from the Elizabeth Street Gallery in Soho, NY to Times Square, embodies a thought-provoking narrative that resonates with a global audience, making her a beacon in contemporary art.

Illustrative memetic messages are sure to emerge in Card 138 explore, coming to us on Aug 30th, 2023!