Prememe artwork: COMING SOON

Prememe by @Wintermute

MiraRuido: Meme Artist 134

Hailing from Vitoria-Gasteiz, a quaint city in northern Spain, Joseba Elorza, widely recognized as @MiraRuido, has etched his name in the digital art world. With over a decade of experience as a freelance artist, he has collaborated with renowned entities like National Geographic Channel, and even music legends like Green Day. But it's not just the impressive clientele that sets Elorza apart; it's his unique approach to art. As he puts it, “I think that to make simply beautiful works there are already many people who are better than me; my intention is to generate some kind of feeling in the viewer, whether of disbelief, uneasiness or an ironic half smile.”

Elorza's fascination with collage is evident in his works. He views it as a medium to "reconstruct realities and create new worlds" that reflect and critique our daily lives. This sentiment is further echoed in his words, “I see collage as a way of reconstructing realities and creating new worlds to reflect, highlight and denounce different aspects of our day to day life, of our most everyday reality.” Not just content with static visuals, Elorza ventured into the realm of animation, transforming his collages by adding the dimension of time, a self-taught skill that opened a "new world of possibilities" for him.

One of the standout techniques in Elorza's repertoire is rotoscoping, a meticulous process he employs to extract characters from vintage videos and films, introducing them into fresh, often surreal contexts. His passion for space, astrophysics, and surrealism frequently manifests in his creations, serving as allegorical tools to address universal themes. As he beautifully articulates, “I'm crazy about everything related to space and astrophysics... It is inevitable that this will end up appearing in my work, as well as surrealism, which is the clearest way I see of dealing with universal themes with attractive allegories.”

From across time and space, @MiraRuido brings us Meme Card 134 on Aug 21th, 2023!