Prememe by @Wintermute

Michael Kozlowski: Meme Artist 133

Michael Kozlowski, known as mpkoz on Twitter, is a generative artist who envisions a world where art is not confined to traditional mediums. He's a multifaceted American media artist and software developer who seamlessly blends the realms of 3D graphics, mixed reality, and interactivity. His work often places generative objects in real space, showcasing the power of digital art, and how it can redefine our understanding of visual experiences. One of the recurring themes in his posts is the exploration of repurposing and transforming 2D artwork into 3D, suggesting a vision where art is fluid, dynamic, and ever-evolving.

Mpkoz's style is a harmonious blend of technology and artistry. He frequently employs the trompe l'oeil technique, a method that uses realistic imagery to create optical illusions. An example of this is his "Manifold Still Life with Hydrangea," where he uses a viewer's head position to simulate perspective in real-time, without any post-production visual effects or compositing. This approach not only challenges the viewer's perception but also offers a fresh, immersive experience that bridges the gap between the virtual and the real.

His portfolio showcases a profound exploration of generative art, where he harnesses the power of algorithms to create captivating visual compositions. Through his works, Michael not only pushes the boundaries of contemporary art but also offers a glimpse into the potential future of galleries and museums.

Will we get generative art in Card 133? Few truly know, until Aug 18th, 2023!