Prememe artwork: COMING SOON

Prememe by @Wintermute

Kelly McDermott: Meme Artist 130

"KΞLLY" McDermott, known in the online community as @bykellymcd on Twitter and kellymcdnft on Instagram, is a standout artist in the realm of digital creation. Her signature style is rooted in pixel manipulation prowess, where she often shares mesmerizing videos on Instagram that unveil her creation process, revealing each brush stroke that culminates in a final masterpiece.

Her artwork is not just visually captivating but also rich in narrative. One of her pieces, "Cryptic Connections," available on SuperRare, is described as a "love story that transcends the boundaries of code, a tale of star-crossed cryptocurrencies destined to forever impact the world of finance and technology." Another poignant piece, "50/50," reflects the duality of emotions, calling out: "Life hasn't been as colourful since you left. At any given moment, I am 50% happy and 50% sad." Yet another artwork, titled "adeus tristeza," succinctly conveys a message of hope and rejuvenation with the description, "goodbye sadness, I want to sing again."

For those navigating the vast seas of digital art, Kelly McDermott emerges as a beacon of innovation and emotional depth. Her ability to intertwine striking visual imagery with profound narratives makes her a standout figure in the contemporary digital art landscape.

What memetic narrative will Card 130 explore? We will see what is exposed on Aug 11th, 2023!