Prememe by @Wintermute

Ryan D. Anderson: Meme Artist 125

Ryan Anderson, hailing from the vibrant city of Toronto, Canada, is not just an animator; he's a storyteller, a dreamer, and an artist who paints with motion. From the innocent days of playing with his dad's Hi-8 camcorder to mastering the intricate world of animation, Ryan's journey has been nothing short of cinematic.

It all began with the simple discovery of the interval button on his father's camcorder. That moment sparked a passion in young Ryan, leading him down a path of stop-motion fascination. But his artistic voyage didn't stop there. With formal education in cinematography, Ryan honed his skills, wearing multiple hats - from a film editor and music video director to a photographer. Each role he undertook added a new dimension to his understanding of motion and storytelling.

In the realm of animation, Ryan employs a unique blend of techniques. Utilizing advanced 3D software, he meticulously crafts scenes, bringing them to life with his animation prowess. These animated scenes are then transformed into 2D images through a process of photography and rendering. The result? A mesmerizing blend of reality and imagination.

But what truly sets Ryan apart is the soul he infuses into his work, blending his experiences, dreams, and the myriad skills he's acquired over the years. Ryan's works delve deep into the themes of nostalgia, distilling visions of the impossible into memories etched in time. He presents a world that is not just seen but heard felt, reminiscent of dreams or the grainy, warm hues of an old Hi-8 tape. His animations are not just about motion; they are about emotion, capturing moments that tug at the heartstrings and evoke a sense of longing and nostalgia.

For those keen on exploring the world through the lens of memes, watch for Card 125 to bring art that speaks to the soul, on July 31st, 2023!