Prememe artwork: COMING SOON

Prememe by @Wintermute

Giovanni Motta: Meme Artist 115

Giovanni Motta, born in 1971, is an NFT and crypto artist known for his character Jonny Boy. Through his art, Motta aims to rediscover his inner child by creating works that are an emotional bridge to the soul. His artworks stem from an introspective approach, where he engages with his most intimate self, reflecting his emotional relationship with the world and everyday objects. Motta's creative process involves a unique meditative technique that allows him to travel back in time and relive memories. During meditation, he immerses himself in past scenes, experiencing smells, sounds, people, and atmospheres. Once he feels that he has gathered enough information, he takes notes and transforms them into artworks. This process is deeply nostalgic for him, as it focuses on re-experiencing emotional memories.

Giovanni Motta's artwork is influenced by the aesthetics of cartoons. He is passionate about cartoons because they played a vital role in his childhood, which he describes as a challenging time. His family didn't believe in his abilities, which led to a lot of frustration as a creative child. The world of cartoons provided him solace and inspiration.

As an artist, Motta works with both physical and NFT forms of art. He doesn't differentiate between the two in terms of value; for him, the creative process is always the same and begins with meditation. Whether it's a painting, 3D printing, or a digital piece, he decides what to create on a case-by-case basis without letting the medium dictate the value of his work.

In early 2020, after taking a leap of faith to go all-in as a professional artist, Motta came across an article about NFTs. Despite the scarce information available at that time, he reached out to Hackatao (also an artist in The Memes), who were some of the most famous NFT artists in Italy at the time. They explained the world of crypto to him, how to open a MetaMask, about marketplaces, and how to apply for SuperRare. They onboarded him, sharing the values of the crypto community, and welcoming a fellow artist. This led to Motta supporting other artists as well.

Will Jonny Boy make an appearance in Card 115?... We will find out on June 26th, 2023!