Prememe artwork: COMING SOON

Prememe by @Wintermute

Camibus: Meme Artist 114

Camibus's art is deeply symbolic, and she has provided an in-depth explanation of the approach she takes to her work.

Camibus often depicts their characters in the nude, not to sexualize them, but to show them in their most vulnerable and true state. She states that clothing too-often acts as a mask: creating a construct that people identify with. By removing clothing, Camibus aims to challenge this construct and get to the essence of what it means to be human.

Camibus's stylistic choices seek to achieve a balance between realism and surrealism. Her characters, often floating on legs that couldn't support their weight, are reminiscent of Dali's impossible elephants or the way ballerinas achieve a look of floating effortlessly through the air. This balance represents the effort it takes to maintain the appearance of effortlessness, which is a concept Camibus has centered her art around. The characters' black legs, inspired by the dark extremities of Siamese cats and high stockings, and their faces, similar to a Disney character but painted in a realistic manner, further emphasize this juxtaposition between reality and illusion.

The world depicted in Camibus's artwork is often empty and barren, reflecting the artist's thoughts on our overcrowded, chaotic world. This emptiness is also a commentary on climate change, highlighting the predicting that global warming will turn parts of Europe into a desert by the end of the century. Despite the barren landscapes, Camibus often paints lavish sunsets, showing that we can find beauty even in negative things like pollution.

Camibus encourages viewers to find their own meaning in their art. Rather than trying to convey a specific message, she aims to evoke a feeling. Camibus wants to showcase the elegance, fragility, and strength of the female body, and to challenge the perception of nudity being sexual. They want viewers to see the human body from a different perspective, acknowledging our natural state, with nothing to hide behind.

What will be laid bare in Meme Card 114? We will see all the details revealed on June 23rd, 2023!