Prememe artwork: COMING SOON

Prememe by @Wintermute

Timpers: Meme Artist 104

Timpers, known on Twitter as @TimpersHD or "timpers.chimp," is an innovative artist who specializes in the creation of pixel art. He describes himself as a "Pixel placer" which speaks to his unique ability to arrange pixels to create intricate and colorful designs.

Timpers is not just an artist, but also a founder. He is associated with @ChimpersNFT and @nounsdao, which speaks to his deep involvement in the blockchain and NFT spaces.

His work is showcased on his portfolio website, the "Pixelverse", which is a vibrant collection of pixel art pieces that display a variety of subjects and complexity. Each piece is distinct, yet they all share a colorful, pixelated aesthetic that is characteristic of Timpers' style. This body of work demonstrates his mastery of the pixel art medium and his ability to evoke different emotions through his use of color and design.

Timpers joined Twitter in May 2015, and since then, has gained a significant following with over 51.2K followers. His social media presence, combined with his unique style and expertise in the NFT space, makes Timpers a notable figure in the digital art world.

We are excited to see what Timpers has in placed into pixels for us in Meme Card 104!